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Elements - Broad Ripple Residences On The Water
Introducing Elements – Broad Ripple Residences On The Water. – After listening to feedback from neighboring residents, J.C. Hart has made significant changes to our development and is happy to reintroduce this project to the community. – The Elements we are representing in the logo are water, fire/spark, wind and earth. These same elements are reflected in the body of water on the project site, the economic spark that will ignite the community, the wildflower gardens that will be installed and the green-focused elements like living walls and roofs.
An Update For Our Neighbors On The Proposed Redevelopment Of The Willows
The Willows Event Center has been in the Bayt family for a quarter century. The COVID-19 pandemic, ongoing operating costs and an influx of additional event venues in the area led the Bayt family to consider new uses for the property. After consulting with real estate professionals and considering the nearby neighborhood and current market, the family feels a residential development offering both homeownership and rental opportunities is the best use for the property going forward. The proposed updates will rezone the property to residential, better fitting the surrounding neighborhood. It will also add in greenspace, walking paths and enhanced connectivity while being sensitive to Spirit Lake’s ecology and indigenous plant species. The Bayt family has been a good steward of the property and wants to foster a development residents can enjoy for years to come.
Developed by J.C. Hart Company
Market rate rent $1,500-2,680 per month
124 spaces of covered podium parking
Proposed four separate buildings and clubhouse
Developed by Chase Development
$700,000-1,000,000 each
Two-car garage and driveway parking options
Spark – This financial investment is a spark that will ignite the Broad Ripple community with economic opportunity

The new development is expected to generate an increment of more than $10M in property taxes over 25 years. This is significantly more than what would be generated from current annual property taxes.
The Elements redevelopment is a $64 million project.
Earth – A goal to encourage the gathering of community, the thriving of wildlife and the improvement of the environment.

76% of the property will be greenspace.
Water – The Elements project will improve the quality of the water on the property and its ecology.

An environmental assessment was completed by Earth Source, Inc. to confirm, “The proposed development will vastly improve the current ability of this site to manage and treat stormwater runoff. As a result, redevelopment will benefit to the overall health and quality of the lake and ultimately the White River.”
The proposed redevelopment does not sit within the White River protection corridor or the DNR-regulated floodway of the White River.
Movement & Flow – The Elements project will increase safety and connectivity for Broad Ripple Residents and will not negatively affect traffic flow.

A licensed traffic engineer completed a study to confirm there is no anticipated impact to overall intersection level of service at nearby intersections following completion of the development.
The developer proposes adding 1,150 linear feet of off-site path to the South and 950 linear feet of path along the frontage, including one new connection to the Monon Trail and new paved paths along Westfield Blvd. Proposed crosswalks will also improve safety.
The breakdown of the pedestrian path is as follows:
- Off-Site Path to South=1,150 LF
- Path Along Frontage=950 LF
- Total Path=2,100 LF
The Elements development plan meets the adopted guidelines for this site according to the Marion County Land Use Plan Pattern Book (page 27 under Suburban Neighborhood Classification). Increased density is encouraged given its proximity to the Monon Greenway. After feedback from Broad Ripple residents, J.C. Hart listened to concerns and lowered the total number of apartments.
- The Indianapolis Department of Public Works reported only two accidents on the curve near the Willows Event Center in more than two years. Neither occurred during high volume times at the Willows Event Center.
- Nearby residents hired a traffic engineer whose traffic counts were lower than the CEC study. Even with this new data, intersection levels of service did not change due to the development.
- In response to concerns raised by Oxbow neighbors regarding access, JC Hart revised the site plan so there is no access to the development from Westfield Road, other than for emergency vehicles.
- The Elements redevelopment supports usage and enjoyment of the outdoors by accentuating natural features of the property and adding pedestrian trails inside and outside of the project area.
- The developer proposes adding one new crosswalk and appropriate signage/lighting to improve safety south of the property
- This project will improve the water quality of Spirit Lake. Currently, there is no storm water quality system at The Willows or Spirit Lake Condominiums. As part of the redevelopment, J.C. Hart will install a system to filter stormwater from the Elements site before it enters the lake.
- Proposed walking paths will not disturb the lake edge.
- An environmental assessment was completed by Earth Source, Inc. to confirm, “The proposed development will vastly improve the current ability of this site to manage and treat stormwater runoff. As a result, redevelopment will benefit to the overall health and quality of the lake and ultimately the White River.”
- The Elements redevelopment was designed by the renowned Indiana firm Studio M.
- After neighbor feedback and requests to comply with the Comprehensive Plan and align with the Pattern Book Guidelines, the developer:
- Separated the one large building into four smaller buildings.
- Introduced three-story elements among the newly separated north and south buildings versus one four-story building.
- Once the project is completed and fully assessed, it will result in an increase of $400,000 a year in referendum and school taxes over current property taxes for Washington Township schools.
- 10% of the apartments in the Elements redevelopment will be available for people who qualify for workforce housing with discounted rent in the range of $880-1130/ month.

Since 1976, J.C. Hart has been the leader in the development, construction, and management of luxury apartment communities in Indiana and the Midwest. Our collaborative mindset allows us to tackle every project with creativity and professionalism. This approach enables us to not only build unique and beautiful apartments for our partners but also give our community Residents a memorable, high-quality living experience.

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